- Reduce costs. Take advantage of cloud services and pay for software on a monthly basis. Make sure you don’t get stuck with software that you have to make a huge investment to purchase up-front. Computer Blue Technologies (CBT) offers business cloud computing services on a monthly cost through its CBSkyCloud Program. This way you can grow or reduce monthly software costs or choose different software as business conditions and the number of users change.
- 24/7 Support. If you choose to use a small IT service provider, you can develop a personal relationship with your IT specialist and be provided with on-demand 24/7 support. CBT will set you up with one of its three partners to address all your computer needs who are on call when you need them most!
- Secure your data. IT providers such as CBT ensures that your information remains confidential and only those who should access that information can.
- Go Green. Cloud computing helps you reduce your carbon footprint and create a more green business. With the help of CBT, you will only use the server space you need, reducing the output of power (and as a result reducing your overhead cost because you will never pay for server space you won’t use).
- Streamline business operations. Use cloud computing to help team efficiency and communication. All company information, documents and files can be centralized in one place and be accessed anywhere and anytime. That means that a company with a global team can keep a company spread sheet that lists each team members past, present and upcoming tasks. Keeping that up to date gives everyone, regardless of location, insight into company projects.
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